Hai working at Amazon Web Service (AWS) as a Technical Trainer based in Hanoi, Vietnam. His focused domains are Infrastructure as Code with CDK, Data and Machine Learning Engineering on AWS. He creates this blog cdk.entest.io to learn and share.

Amplify NextJS Hosting
This blog shows how to host a NextJS web applicatioin on AWS Amplify. Also, create a Cognito UserPool and Conigto Identity Pool for getting credentials and uploading files to Amazon S3
Contentlayer and Rehype-Pretty-Code
This blog shows how to build a MDX content using ContentLayer and syntax highlighting with rehype-pretty-code
Build and Deploy a Chatbot App on Amazon ECS
This blog shows how to build and deploy an ecs chatbot app on amazon ecs. The chatbot using vercel ai sdk and a hugging face api. This blog also shows how to deploy with a simple ci/cd pipeline and blue green deploy pipeline as well
Deploy Multiple Nextjs App on Amazon ECS
This blog shows how to deploy multiple nextjs apps on amazon ecs. The infrastructure is written in CDK